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Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
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    Video 4: Resolving a concern

    December 3, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 4: and it is available with captions and[...]

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    Video 3: Improving your support

    December 1, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 3: and it is available with captions and[...]

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    Video 2: Good Support

    November 26, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 2: and it is available with captions and[...]

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    Video 1: Making decisions

    November 23, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 1: and it is available with captions and[...]

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    Advocate Profile

    October 20, 2020
    The advocacy service provided by the Trust changes to suit the times, but the consumer remains at its heart, says Napier-based advocate and learning coach Louise Grant. “As long as I keep the consumer at the centre of my practice I’m doing well,” she says. Louise divides her time between advocacy/education and as a learning[...]

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Remember, we are here to help.

Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
National Advocacy Trust




    Video 4: Resolving a concern

    December 3, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 4: and it is available with captions and[...]

    Video 3: Improving your support

    December 1, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 3: and it is available with captions and[...]

    Video 2: Good Support

    November 26, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 2: and it is available with captions and[...]

    Video 1: Making decisions

    November 23, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 1: and it is available with captions and[...]

    Advocate Profile

    October 20, 2020
    The advocacy service provided by the Trust changes to suit the times, but the consumer remains at its heart, says Napier-based advocate and learning coach Louise Grant. “As long as I keep the consumer at the centre of my practice I’m doing well,” she says. Louise divides her time between advocacy/education and as a learning[...]
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
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