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Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
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Complaint process for providers

The role of our advocates is to support the consumer through the complaint process. The first step is for the consumer to write to you, the provider outlining their concerns. The advocate will then contact you ??

If you know that a complaint has been made to the Advocacy Service about you or your service, you do not need to take any action until you have heard from the advocate.


Communication with you

After the Advocacy Service has contacted the consumer, you will receive a formal letter from the consumer and/or the advocate. This letter will advise you of the issues that the consumer is concerned about.

The letter will also contain information about what actions the consumer considers necessary to resolve the matter for them. You will also be advised whether they want a written response, and/or if they want to meet with you with or without advocacy support.

All correspondence regarding the complaint should be addressed to the consumer and, if requested by the consumer, a copy may be sent to the advocate. Any communication with you from the advocate will be copied to the consumer.

Consumers usually find it helpful to have an acknowledgement of what happened, as well as an explanation and an apology (if appropriate).

Advocates are happy to discuss the advocacy process with you but will not discuss any aspect of the complaint unless the consumer is present.

Download the advocacy process flowchart (PDF 175kb)


Meeting with the consumer

When considered appropriate, an advocate may suggest that the best way to achieve resolution is a face-to-face meeting between the consumer/complainant and the provider of the service or the provider’s representative.

If an advocate requests a meeting with the provider of the service, a letter will be sent outlining what the issues are and the actions the consumer/complainant believes need to be taken for them to consider the matter resolved.

If a meeting is suggested, it is important that the consumer/complainant is listened to, and for both parties to gain a shared understanding of the experience.

The advocate will facilitate the meeting in a safe and supportive environment, allowing the parties to focus on communicating in an open and honest way that leads to resolution.

If a meeting has been requested and you agree to meet, the advocate will provide you with an information sheet about what to expect, including an outline of the advocate’s role if they will attend the meeting.

Download the complaint resolution agreement form (PDF 926kb)

Download the resolution meeting provider information sheet (PDF 72kb)



The advocate will be in regular contact with the consumer throughout the resolution process. If your initial response does not satisfy the consumer and they decide they want further action, you will receive formal communication from the consumer, and/or advocate, about what steps could be taken to achieve resolution.

Once resolution has been reached, the advocate will formally advise you of the resolution, and that the complaint file is closed.


Referral to HDC

In some cases, it may become clear either at the start or during the resolution process, that the complaint requires recommendations and accountability that can only be provided by the Health and Disability Commissioner (HDC). In those circumstances the advocate will advise the consumer and the provider that the complaint should be referred to HDC.

Complaints can also be referred to HDC if providers are not supportive and proactive in working towards resolution.

Remember, we are here to help.

Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
National Advocacy Trust
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service