Freephone 0800 555 050 - 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

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Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
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Aims of our sessions

Our education sessions are free and aim to educate both consumer and provider groups on the following:

  • The rights of people who use health and disability services
  • The responsibilities and legal obligations of providers
  • The role of the Advocacy Service in supporting and guiding resolution by agreement between parties
  • The role of complaint and resolution process in improving the quality of services
  • Managing complaints proactively and developing a culture of positive complaints management
  • Effectively raising and resolving complaints.


Helping vulnerable consumers

Education sessions are particularly useful for:

  • Provider organisations that deliver services in areas where there are particularly vulnerable consumers
  • Consumer groups that advocate for or support those consumers.

Vulnerable consumers can be found in mental health services, prison health services, dementia units and rest homes, as well as residential facilities where there are people who have an intellectual or learning disability. In some cases, consumers who are receiving care and support in their own homes may also be particularly vulnerable.
In these circumstances, sessions to consumer groups and provider groups on building a “rights safe” partnership, and on effectively raising and resolving complaints, can be especially useful.


Encouraging a consumer-centred approach

Advocates aim to be influential in shifting the focus of health and disability services towards a consumer-centred approach. The education of consumers and providers on the Code of Rights, promoting respectful dealings with all parties, and encouraging an approach that values and recognises complaints as quality-improvement opportunities, are effective ways of achieving this.


Contact us

To discuss your needs with the advocate in your area, please telephone 0800 555 050 or email

Remember, we are here to help.

Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
National Advocacy Trust
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service