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Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
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Latest News



    October 8, 2021
    The LiveChat service on our website is an easy way to make contact with our service. Our website is We look forward to hearing from you! Our LiveChat and Freephone 0800 are available Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm…  Please remember to share our posts and Facebook page with friends, whanau, family, and[...]

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    Advocate Profile

    June 4, 2021
    Advocate Profile: Gillian The advocacy service has become more focused on its core business over the years, but the skills of advocates are more relevant than ever, says long-term advocate Gillian Adams, Dunedin. “You have to balance the concerns of the complainant with the reality-check of the situation. I enjoy helping people see things from[...]

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    Feedback… Its important!

    June 4, 2021
    We ask for service feedback from consumers for complaints closed with our service so we can learn and develop as a service. Recently we received this from a consumer our Advocate Kellie had been providing Advocacy Support to. It reminds our team and consumers just how important our role is in the community, and with[...]

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    Consumer Zoom/Skype Education Sessions

    May 28, 2021
    This is a great update to share with everyone!  Zoom & Skype Education Session are now available to Consumers as well as Providers! If you have any questions, please message us here on Facebook, visit our website or call us on Freephone 0800 555 050.  Consumers can follow this link and complete the form[...]

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    Thank you all for your continued support!

    April 29, 2021
    The more people who know about our service, the more people know they can contact us when they need support to resolve concerns about a Health or Disability Provider. You can call us FREE on 0800 555 050, or messages us here on Facebook, or visit our website for even more contact options, like email,[...]

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    Video 5: Identify Bullying

    December 8, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 5: and it is available with captions and[...]

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Remember, we are here to help.

Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
National Advocacy Trust





    October 8, 2021
    The LiveChat service on our website is an easy way to make contact with our service. Our website is We look forward to hearing from you! Our LiveChat and Freephone 0800 are available Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm…  Please remember to share our posts and Facebook page with friends, whanau, family, and[...]

    Advocate Profile

    June 4, 2021
    Advocate Profile: Gillian The advocacy service has become more focused on its core business over the years, but the skills of advocates are more relevant than ever, says long-term advocate Gillian Adams, Dunedin. “You have to balance the concerns of the complainant with the reality-check of the situation. I enjoy helping people see things from[...]

    Feedback… Its important!

    June 4, 2021
    We ask for service feedback from consumers for complaints closed with our service so we can learn and develop as a service. Recently we received this from a consumer our Advocate Kellie had been providing Advocacy Support to. It reminds our team and consumers just how important our role is in the community, and with[...]

    Consumer Zoom/Skype Education Sessions

    May 28, 2021
    This is a great update to share with everyone!  Zoom & Skype Education Session are now available to Consumers as well as Providers! If you have any questions, please message us here on Facebook, visit our website or call us on Freephone 0800 555 050.  Consumers can follow this link and complete the form[...]

    Thank you all for your continued support!

    April 29, 2021
    The more people who know about our service, the more people know they can contact us when they need support to resolve concerns about a Health or Disability Provider. You can call us FREE on 0800 555 050, or messages us here on Facebook, or visit our website for even more contact options, like email,[...]

    Video 5: Identify Bullying

    December 8, 2020
    The Health and Disability Commissioner and the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service have released a series of videos to help people with learning disabilities think about their own experiences with using disability services and their rights under the Code. Follow this link to watch Video 5: and it is available with captions and[...]
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
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