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Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
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Case studies

Both consumers and providers can benefit from the complaint resolution process. Here are some case studies showing how the Advocacy Service can enable positive outcomes and learnings for both parties.


    GP: No advance warning of medical student involvement

    What happened? A consumer went to her GP for minor surgery to remove a growth from her forehead. On the day of the procedure, the GP advised the consumer that the surgery would be carried out by a medical student because the student had better eyesight, and it would cost less. The consumer told her[...]

    Residential facility: Changes leave residents worse off

    What happened? The consumer said a change in management at the residential facility where he lived had resulted in him not being able to access medication that he should be able to take when required, or get transport to local shops. He spoke with management about the issue, but felt his concerns were not responded[...]


    While having his knee examined by a specialist the consumer said he had heard a tearing, crunching sound and his knee was now inflamed, more painful and his mobility more restricted. With the consumer’s agreement, the advocate wrote to the provider clearly setting out the concerns, what the consumer felt it would take to resolve[...]

    GP: Unexpected test fees

    What happened? The consumer met with her GP, who advised her to get a specialist test done before leaving. The GP did not mention that there was a fee for this test. When the consumer received a bill in the mail, she rang her GP’s office to ask about it. She was told by reception[...]

Remember, we are here to help.

Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
National Advocacy Trust
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service
Nationwide Health & Disability Advocacy Service